Friday, June 26, 2009

mom, I'm bringing home a kid. You just said I had to get on the plane, you didn't say I couldn't bring some one w/ me....

ooops didnt mean to post the last one right away....

Every night we have been going to a place called Save the Street Children of Uganda. It has been amazing!! they danced and played traditional African drums for us. The next couple nights they taught me how to lay their drums, and everybody else how to do the dances.

We went to Gulu a couple days ago. It was so crazy. We went to an IDP camp. That stands for Internal Displacement Camp. Pretty much it is a place where they would send people during the war. Praise Jesus that they are actually sending people away from them after 20 years.

Then was one of the most fun parts of our trip. SAFARI!!! We stayed in the nicest hotel I have ever been in. It was HECKA SICK in the words of the kids from Cali we met there. We saw lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my!!! I'm just kidding about the last two :) it was so much fun!

Today we went to the markets. I got all the little things for people that I was going to get! I'm also super stoked about the djembe i got for just under 18 US dollars. idk how I'm gonna get it on the plane but I'll figure it out.

I love and miss you all dearly!!

Always with love, for Him,


Whats Been Happening in Africa

Mom, Dad, Logan, McKenna, Rico, and anybody else reading this....

A lot has happened in Africa so far. Most importantly we have changed many lives to Christ. Praise God!!! We have had a time of worship and sharing time every single night. It has been a great time of crying, laughing, loving, and feeling God's love.

One of the most moving things was going to the slums of Kampala. There were kids every where with no shoes, most of them with bloated stomachs.... I felt like i was in an Invisible Children video. I am in love with the people here. Everybody is soo nice. it doesn't matter whether you have money or not for them to be your friend ( thats probably because almost no one here has money). One of the funny things that happened was we had to eat beans with little sardines in them.... eww. We also went to this little church gathering place, where they believed in the "movement" of the Holy Spirit. One man actually fell on Andrea because he "felt" the spirit. It was obviously some of the Devil's best work. Most of us were scared to death of being in there. I apparently started rocking a little bit while we were praying..... so the "prophet" of the church kept trying to make the Holy Spirit make me fall over. He grabbed my hand and kept yelling and it scared me but I stayed strong and never fell over.

June 22 -09

Hi everyone.
so sorry it's been so long since we've communicated. While in Gulu we had no internet and then when we were at the hotel, it was just too expensive and took so long.
We are all doing really good. There are only a few who have gotten sick and thankfully it's passed pretty quickly. I think it's the same bug we brought over with us.
Your teens are all being quite tough (for the most part :)) and we're very proud of them and wouldn't wish to be with anyone else on this trip. We've had some relationship issues within the group that have been a little hard, but God has been quite faithful and we've worked through it all and I think the relationships are all going to be much stronger in the end. We've had some amazing worship and sharing times with them. I wish I had time to tell about all our experiences. They have been many and wonderful and will take many hours to share about. We've taken thousands of incredible pictures. It's been a very full, satisfying trip and we are SOOO thankful!! We love your teens to death. Thanks again for letting them go with us. We wish we could send more pictures but they take forever to upload.
Thank you so much for your prayers. We are feeling them. There has been much spiritual warfare, but God continues to grow us in it and is getting MUCH glory!!
He is so faithful and allowed us to save money on food and other things here so we are able to purchase a brick wall to be built around Cari's new school building. The team is SO excited about it. God is GOOD all the time - all the time God is good and that is His nature - WOW!!!! (we learned this at one of the schools :))
We love you all so much and can't wait to see you. many have experienced homesickness but are being tough about it. They are GOOD kids!!


This picture is of the teens on the Nile River with Murchison Falls in the background. the morning after we drove to the top of the falls and it was SO beautiful. We got many wonderful pictures.

Friday, June 19, 2009

God is good all the time, that is His nature, WOW!

The more time I spend here and the more time that I spend trying to write down what we have experienced I realize that words could never possibly make someone understand what we have seen and heard. The sights and smells will be ingrained in my mind forever. To give you a small picture of a walk through the slums, you have to first smell the dusty air, the burning trash, and the animals wandering the pot holed roads. Then look to the left and you will see a mother and small child, only half dressed, sitting at the entrance of their home (which is smaller than your kitchen). Other small children between the ages of two and ten are running in between a group of American teenagers, yelling “Muzungoo! Muzungoo!” (Which means ‘crazy white man’). It’s the best sound in the world! When we get to the school that we are headed to, after walking much longer than most of us are used to, all you see is a sea of beautiful white eyes with dark brown centers staring at you waiting to see what you are going to do. This is only the beginning of what our day starts with. I am so glad that we came to this country to see how God is working, and Hallelujah that we have had eight confirmed kids who have accepted Christ into their hearts. Our group has also see the power of God so clearly though the lives of each other, with hearts being changed and lives healed! I love you Mom, Dad, Anna, Emmie, Christa, Tyler, and Sophie and I miss you! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TY!!!! –Lacey

HEY MOM, DAD, MCKENNA, LOGAN, AND RICO (cant forget about my dog)!!!!!!
I can truly say this is the best experience of my whole entire life!!! I feel like I am living in an Invisible Children movie. We walked into the slums the other day, and I took a picture with a little boy with a swollen stomach from mal-nutrition and no shoes on his little black feet. Oh it is also kind of weird being the minority…… but at the same time it is amazing because little kids always run up yelling MUZUNGOO!!! I love it. We have 8 confirmed new brothers and sister is Christ! God is good, all the time, all the time, God is good cause that is his nature WOW!!!
I love you more than any earthly thing I know!!! Love parker

P.S. we ate fish heads the other day……

Kenny G, Cody Bob
God is here and He is moving. The word is ALIVE here and we have seen 8 lives come to Christ in the last 48 hours! Pray that we fight and Christ is our center. Hallelujah!
-Chris Tuttle

Hi Mom! God is doing so much here. It has been exhausting so far and we are leaving for gulu tomorrow. I can’t wait to see what God will do there.
Macy says I have no other words except praise God!

Hey mommy and daddy and Michael!
I love it here! I never want to leave, the kids are so precious here. It breaks my heart to say good bye…every stinking time! God is doing so much here! Tomorrow we leave for Gulu and we are going to an ORPHANAGE!!  I miss you guys and can’t wait to see you but how about you come here, so I don’t ever have to leave.

Hey family! I miss you so very much! I’m beginning to wonder just how long I’m going to be able to make it without you in college! This trip has definitely been more stretching than expected! You know how I tend to over think! Highlights: dancing with the street kids, singing at night with Cariana, laughing at Tyler, eating very interesting food, and observing the differences of African and American life!!! I love you to the moon and back 52 trillion times!
P.S. I haven’t gotten sick once 

On Saturday a little girl and I played tag and duck duck goose and ring around the rosey. She just held on to my hand the whole time – even when she got separated during the game she would run and grab my hand again. Her name is Fiona and I’ve never felt so much love so instantaneously. When it was time to go I told her I would see her later. She said, “When can I see you again!!” I told her to come back tomorrow. On Sunday after church we were sitting outside and there were a bunch of children outside the gate of our hotel. So a few of us went to play with them. Fiona found me immediately and latched on to my hand. She sat down and she just sat on my lap holding my hand. The she leaned in and whispered, “my mom and dad are far away. I live with my aunt …..she beats me. I don’t like her. Will you take me back to America with you and be my mother?” It literally broke my heart. I haven’t seen her since Sunday, but I look for her everyday just praying that I see her.
I love you all a lot and I miss you tons!!!
p.s. you’re very lucky you made Kayla promise to make me come home cuz I probably wouldn’t otherwise.

Hi Dear family and friends,

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God is doing more than we have asked or thought could happen on this trip. It’s going to take a LONG time to share all the experiences we’ve had so far. Every day God has shown Himself to the group and to this community that we are falling in love with.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

June 18th we LOVE you!!

First of all – HI mom & dad & Kait & Jared!! I love you guys and wish you could be here with me!  Anyway, here we stand out. When we walk down the street, kids as well as adults point and say “Mazungu, Mazungu!” which means crazy white person. Funny thing? I like being called that. When we get back, I still want to be a crazy white person. Someone who stands out, but not because of the color of my skin, but because like the disciples, I pray it’s obvious I’ve been with Jesus. Megan

God truly has been breaking my heart for what breaks His here. I was talking with Lydia yesterday and she said “I’ve never felt so full and so empty at the same time before.” And I thought of this one little girl I met a school the other day. She ran up and grabbed my hand and stuck by me the whole time and she never stopped smiling or laughing. Then later, the headmaster of the school told me she was HIV positive and an orphan. I was thinking the ONLY way she can be that happy is because of Jesus. It is so evident that He is here with us on this trip, and I love it – and I love YOU! Shelby
p.s. thanks for praying for me. I’ve been feeling lots better

LOTS of walking.
LOTS of praying.
LOTS of singing.
LOTS of dancing.
A whole lot of fun!
Happy Day!! Abby

Hi!! Got a bigger of taste of the culture yesterday and today. One joined our family in Christ. HALLELUIAH!! Tired, yet still can’t get enough of this city. Praying for all back home. Love you bunches! Taylor God is good ALL THE TIME!!!

Hello family!! Please praise God that we have at least one convert! I have a very strange story to tell you when I get home. I’m also able to journal. I miss y’all very much. I love you! Parker Adcock

So….mom and dad….I just thought I’d let you know I’m staying here forever. Anna, I know why you didn’t want to leave. These little kids have captured my heart. They are absolutely adorable!! Kayla

Hi everyone! So Wednesday we ate lunch with the kids at a school and I ate a WHOLE fish!! (like the size of a sardine) for those that know me really well – fish terrify me! I the whole thing!!! It was with the beans and posho. A boy, Keith, joined our family today! Praise God!! We are so glad we will be spending forever with him!! Love you!! Macy

I just want to let you know that I’m doing really good! Chris

Can I just tell you how THANKFUL I am that God picked me to be a part of this wonderful team?!? I love all of your kids so much, and more each day as I see them loving the children here with everything in them. Jesus is giving us His strength to keep pressing on with JOY, even when we are tired…and are challenged in new ways to truly be immersed in this culture. THANK YOU for your prayers for us---keep them coming!! Love to you! Nook

Hey everyone! Let me first say that it’s so great to be back here in Uganda!! I’m loving every second of it! Being able to share with everyone on this trip new Luganda words, and how to say them has been really fun for me. I’m loving how close our group is getting with each other, being able to share and be open with each other!! God is moving in really big ways. Yesterday I was able to talk to a guy named Cyrus. It was fun for me to be able to listen as he told me his life story, why he was at the Save The Street Kids place and what God has done in his life. He was telling me how he writes movies and songs based off his stories and the children that come through. He loves God and wants to do His will. He went on to tell me how hard it was to be a movie/song writer because of how hard it is to get a video camera, but he’s waiting on God to show him exactly what He wants of him. I’m missing all of you so much!! As much as I love it here, I can’t wait to come home and see all of you and tell you all the stories we have! I love you all so much!!! God is so good!!! -Josiah

Hi all you dear parents and anyone else reading this blog.
Well, it seems impossible, but I love your children more every day. God is doing amazing things through them and in them and it’s an incredible joy to watch. I’ve never been a part of such an abandoned group. I so wish I could share some stories, but I have everyone’s lunch and they are back at the hotel waiting….so I just wanted to say hi and let you know everything is really good minus some minor sickness. Please pray for Shannon as she has not felt great this whole trip. But she is such a trooper and keeps going. We are making her take more breaks so hopefully she will get well. I threw up this morning but it’s cuz I didn’t eat enough food with my malaria pill…..silly me. I SOOO wish you could be here to watch your children. You would be so proud. I am video taping every chance I get. We have thousands of stories to tell. My favorite funny one so far is that I smuggled out food from the school where we ate yesterday because we were all having a really hard time eating it – bean and posho with fish with EYES!! I put it in my backpack so we wouldn’t offend….:/ funny memoires!! Gotta go. Love to you all! Clarissa

Sunday, June 14, 2009

We LOVE it!!!

WOW!!!! Parents, first I just want to say that you have aMAZing teens. I knew that before we came, and feel it even stronger now. I love them all dearly and count it a great privilege to be over here loving on all these precious orphans with them. Thank you again for releasing them to do this. We’ve already seen God do awesome things in them and we’ve only just begun!!

I want to give you a quick rundown of the trip. The flight went smoothly. It was fun – long, but so fun traveling with that many people. The kids switched seats every so often and that worked out really good. All three flights went without a hitch. Your prayers were totally felt all along the way. Only once did we even have some major turbulence....of course it was while we were eating a meal.  We had to hold our drinks to keep them from spilling. Felt kinda like a roller coaster ride so most of us loved it. Teehee!! Oh…. And Taylor flew for the first time. We had so much fun watching him.

We got here at night and were all like a bunch of zombies walking around. Most of us slept on the 1 ½ van ride to our hotel. We are so pleased with our hotel. It feels very secure and it’s just the right size for us. It’s basically one hall with 5 rooms on each side. There are 5 rooms with 3 and 5 rooms with 2. After tonight we are switching it up and will do that every 3 to two nights.

We all crashed in our beds the first night about midnight and slept like babies. Cari….our precious, quiet leader here had our time planned from the get go, and we loved it. We got up and started right away. While Rodney, Cari and I went to the airport to pick up Stacy and Liz, the rest went with Cari’s two helpers, Annette and Charles to paint a couple of rooms at a school near by. Everything we will be doing is within walking distance from the hotel so that’s really nice. But your kids are going to get in great shape.

That afternoon we went to Cari’s and ate a wonderful lunch her cooks prepared – rice and beans and cabbage…quite yummy. Then there was a short rest time and then we did what Kayla talks about. Today we visited Cari’s church and had a wonderful message on Daniel and Jesus and what it means to be a true hero. It was very pertinent. Now we’re at the mall where we ate lunch…the kids can describe the crazy experience. So…..that’s all for now.
We love it!! Everyone is well. We’ve been hearing great sharing from your kids in the evening.

Love to you all ….thanks for your prayers!! Clarissa

Romans 4 is all about how Abraham was justified by faith: our group has so much potential to have that. It is great to a part of this whole experience. Josiah Davidson

“The more we get together, together, together… the more we get together, the happier we’ll be.” Yesterday evening we visited a hospital and sang and danced with all the children. We took a little bit of time to let the children sing some songs to us. One of the songs the kids “taught” us was the one above. After they sang through it one kid at a time would jump into a line and say his or her name, and then everyone would sing the word “together.” After all the kids went through their names, our team joined in and said our names. It was really cool to realize at that moment that God is a global God. It’s not just our team or our church or even all the believers in the USA who are united under Christ. It is every believer in the whole world, even the little children in a hospital in Uganda. Kayla Roop

Ahh! Africa. Chris Tuttle

Hi Mom, Dad, Logan, McKenna, Rico, and family—love you mucho, Parker

We are here and having the time of our lives! This country is AMAZING, God is so great! Holding little African babies could never be more satisfying. You learn that love is the best thing that you can give. Because they are happy with life as it is! Words cannot explain all that I want to say… all I can say is that I LOVE IT! Lacey Platner

I came to Uganda knowing that my life would not be the same after I got home… I didn’t realize that the children would teach me so much… they have so little, but they love life; they’re so happy; it almost makes me ashamed of myself! My life will never be the same after this… I love it! Katelyn Rackley

I am in love with this country. I want to take every child home with me. Uganda is everything I pictured and so much more. These people are so happy and joyful and I LOVE it! Shannon Pere

Oh my dear goodness!! I’ve never felt this at home in any of the places I’ve traveled. I just want to stay here forever, and if I can’t do that then I could just settle for taking all the children home with me (especially Hurbert). All I have to say is T.I.A. (This is Africa) and I love it! Liz Harter

To finally be here… the reality of it still hasn’t sunk in. The need is immense and it’s such a reminder that God doesn’t need me—on my own, I can’t do anything at all. But Hallelujah Jesus that through His power—anything is possible. Yes, the need is great—but the hope here is greater. Because, unlike America at the moment, Africa wants Jesus. God, give us a want—a desire—to never be satisfied to stay where we are… but always go deeper, farther, and higher. Megan Toney

Oh my word! Am I really here? I think it’s going to take a while longer for that reality to sink in. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE how welcoming it is here. It’s so much fun to be walking down the street and all these kids come running towards you. They are so much fun. I am so excited to call this place “home” for the next 3 weeks. Shelby Delay

There is such a sense of community here in Africa. People truly care about others, and there is an overwhelming feeling of joy. We are having so much fun! Miss everyone so much! Happy Day! Abby Benson

Be warned: I’m bringing home kids!!!!! Tyler Rosenthal

We’ve only been here for one full day and it feels like forever! The love and joy and beauty of Jesus are everywhere you look. I am so glad God chose to use us to share His love here in Uganda. He definitely doesn’t need me, but He chose to use me and that is such a blessing. His love and joy and laughter are contagious and unforgettable. Love to all—Taylor Thompson

Wow! There aren’t words to describe what we are getting to experience. God is showing me so much and we have only been here for one full day. I can’t wait to see how much he will reveal during the next like 17 to 18 days! Love you! Macy Epp

I love this country!! The people are incredible and unique. The weather is a little hot though…. David Eliason

We serve an amazing and faithful God. And He has been so good to us! He has answered so many prayers, and we are grateful that you are lifting us up to Him while we are in this beautiful and friendly country. Your kids are doing well, and you would be proud of how they are caring for one another and interacting with the Ugandan children. There have been a few tears and upset stomachs, but we are seeing how “His strength is perfect when ours is gone.” We’ve laughed a lot too! You should have seen Tyler dancing for the children yester—a traditional Ugandan dance, “Tyler style”  Nookie

All these other comments have pretty much covered it, so yea. What keeps coming to mind is “White as Snow” by Jon Foreman. Enough said. Luke Smith